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Saturday 15 October 2011


Base and top coat;
Pearl coloured nail varnish;
Acrylic paints (blue, red, yellow, green, purple, black);
Thin brush and a dotting tool

1. Apply base coat, let it dry and then apply your background colour, in this case pearl coloured nail varnish.
2. With your dotting tool or a brush apply randomly spots with the acrylic paints. Allow them to dry thoroughly.
3. With your thin brush draw 'c' and 'o' letters around the coloured spots. And small black spots in between the coloured ones. Let it all dry and then apply your top coat and you're done!

You can replace the acrylic paints with nail polish.

1 comment:

  1. Ana!!!! I love, love, love the nail art... Pity I'm not there so you can do it for me!! ;-) Keep up the gorgeous blog friend!
